Monday, December 15, 2008

Meet the muttons.

I don't know if any of you guys listen to the radio. Much less 98.7 since it's a Singapore radio station. And there's this show from 8 pm to 12 pm called the Muttons at Midnight which is so so so hilarious.

Okay. Here's the thing. There are two guys, Justin and Vernon, known as the muttons, who are like the funniest people, trust me, they are. And there's this segment on the show called the 'Roast Muttons.' The thing about this segment is people call up the muttons and exchange insults with them. The person who runs out of insults loses and if you win, you get a phone. A very canggih phone, at that.

Cool huh. You insult people and you win a phone. It might sound dumb to you but it's really really funny.

"You're so ugly that when your mum gave birth to you, they called the X-files and CSI crew to arrest you."

"You're so fat that your mum is still giving birth to you."

"You're so fat that when you leave the beach they shouted 'THE COAST IS CLEAR!'"

"You're so stupid you're a kindergarten dropout."

"Justin’s so fat, when he told me his weight, I thought it was the phone number".

"You're so flat, an aeroplane landed on your chest."

"You're so fat that when I swerved to avoid you on the road, I ran out of petrol."

So there. Funny right? Right? It's so catchy, you start playing with everyone else around you. Even my mum was laughing hysterically to all their jokes. And come on, if my mum laughed along, these guys are surely something.

Ooooh. And Vernon can tell really awesome jokes. Here's one.

There are three guys at the toilet. First guy went into the cubicle, and when he came out, he washed his hands and used lots of toilet paper.

Then he looked at the other two guys and said, "I've been taught to be thorough."

Second guy went into the cubicle, came out, washed his hands and used one tiny piece of toilet paper.

He looked at the other two and said, "I've been taught to be environmental-friendly."

Third guy went into the cubicle, and when he came out, he didn't wash his hands, or use the toilet paper.

He then, smirked at the other two guys and said, "I've been taught not to piss on my hands."


*hysterically laughing with teary eyes*


The muttons better pay me for this.


p/s- The results are out on the 17th, which is like day after tomorrow. Damn. It's scarier when you put it like that. And so, this morning my personal message on msn was 17171717171717171717. And Edwin was like, is that your age? wtf man wtf.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Tagged. Yes. Again.

Tag 6 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

I was tagged by Adam Gan.

I tag:-

- Everyone
- from
- the
- land
- of
- Zekemekemakakekekuku.

1st : What's your name?

Bennirossiflaragatoshimato from the land of Zekemekemakakekekuku.

2nd : How old are you?

2873 thousand years old.

3rd : What are three electronics you can't live without?

What does electronics mean? From the land where I evolved into a Flaragatoshi, there were no such things as electronics.

4th : Are you amazing?

Yes, I am. I'm the King of all Flaragatoshi's from the land of Zekemekemakakekekuku.

5th : What is the brand of the phone you are using?

What is a phone? Is it the thing all female Flaragatoshi's use to cover the growth on their chests?

6th : What colour is your phone?

I don't use a phone. I am a male Flaragatoshi. Males do not have growths on their chests.

7th : Have you slept in school/college before?

No. I am a virgin.

8th : How long do you online in one day?

Online? I refuse to walk on a line.

9th : How would you describe yourself?

I am a very endowed male. And I have the most charming tail that all woman like.

10th : What's your favourite topic to talk about?


11th : Which teacher do you like?

The teacher who gives us sex education.

12th : Who do you think is the most handsome in your class?

Me, of course.

13th : Who are you currently aiming on?

The princess from the land of Malasakatokotaki.

14th : Do you know a lot of your sibling's secrets?

Yes. My brother is not a male.

15th : How do you rate your sibling?


16th : Is your sibling gorgeous?


17th : Do you judge people?

Yes. Anybody better than me will be executed.

18th: Have no idea what happen to question 18.

What? Who is so irresponsible? They will have to be thrown out of my kingdom.

19th : Are you lazy to tag people?

No. I tagged everyone in my kingdom.

20th : Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?

Please. The phone is a very private property of a female.

21st : What's 2 + 2?

Two plus two.

22nd : Who's your idol?

I am my idol.

23rd : Are you a monster?

No. I am a Flaragatoshi.

24th : Do you play with Barbie dolls?

Of course. Every male in my kingdom must play with one to prove his masculinity.

25th : What was the last movie you watched?

The video of my birth.

26th : What do you think about your English?

I speak the best English in my kingdom.

27th : What do you think about your Bahasa Malaysia?

My Bahasa Malaysia? I do not have a Bahasa Malaysia. I am not married.

28th : Who do you hate?

All my servants.

29th : Do you love yourself?


30th : Blurt out 5 random words.

I am very gay. Oops.


5 random words from me?

Oh boy. I am crazy.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tag the lazy bug.

sher: hey you... in a desperate attempt to see a blog post, you've been tagged, see my blog.

Now everybody's desperate for me to blog. Kidding la.

Rules & Regulations:-

Do not copy answers.

The tag questions must be 100% the same.

Tag people after doing tag.

No tagging back.

( Too bad there's nothing on changing the rules and regulations. Hehehe. )

New and improved Rules & Regulations:-

Copying answers are fine but only dimwits would do such things.

The tag questions must be 100% the same.

Tag people but people are not forced to do the tag.

Tag back if you want cause I'm not forced to do the tag.

I shall tag:-

1. Adam la. ( You are forced to do it. You tag me, I tag you back. )

2. DS. ( You don't have to do it la. )

3. Benny. ( Just do it, lazy pig. )

4. Sha-maine. ( You have the choice. )

5. Big Edwin. ( You seriously need to update your blog man. Like, seriously. )

6. Pritasha. ( I'm sorry I never linked you correctly in my blog. And I'm too lazy to change. )

7. Cindy. ( Make your blog public la. I'm too lazy to sign in blogger every time. )

8. Sarah. ( You too seriously need to update your blog more. )

9. And and Wei Wern dearest. ( I miss you.)


1. How do you know 1?

In college. I think the first question he asked me was, "Who do you think is the hottest guy in our class?" And I'm not saying what I answered him.

2. What would you do if you never met 2?

I'd probably have missed out on the best times of my life.

3. What would you do if 3 and 4 dated you?

Benny? I'd have been dead. He would torture me to my grave. Erm, Sha-maine just cannot date me cause, number one, she's a girl and number two, she has the most fabulous boyfriend.

4. Would 5 and 6 make a good couple?

*cough cough* I'm never letting my sister near that guy. Edwin is a great guy but definitely not with my sister.

5. Do you think 7 is attractive?

Yep. Definitely. She's one hot chick.

6. Do you know anything about 8's family?

Her brother's quite cute. ( Oh Sarah, don't kill me. )

7. Tell me something about 9.

Oooh. She's my favourite. She's a smart-ass bitch who loves E coli. ( Hehe.)

8. What language does 2 speak?

English. Sometimes when I have no idea what he's saying, I assume it's Greek.

9. Who is 3 going out with?

Sydney girl.

10. How old is number 4?


11. 5?

Eighteen too.

12. Who is 6 favourite singer?

Don't know. Kids nowadays, God knows what they listen to.

13. 7?

This girl has wicked tastes. Matt Skiba, I guess.

14. Is 8 single?

Yep. And available too.

15. What is 9 last name?


16. Would you consider being in a relationship with 1?

Nope. I'm sorry, Adam. You're a fabulous guy though.

17. Which school does 2 go to?

A fucked-up university. In his words.

18. What do you like about 3?

He's a great guy and he's funny and nice.



And I'm done here. Hurray. Back to bed.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Your pleasure's set up on slow-release.

Hey blog, how have you been doing? I'm sorry for being so negligent.

I'm sorry your owner prefers sleeping and lazing around and eating than to update you. You do not deserve to be treated such.

Take care, neglected blog.