Thursday, October 23, 2008

God bless catastrophe.

Okay. Fine.

Have a nice day.


These are words that could twist around the heart like vines. And make you cry.


p/s- I seem to have developed a flu. And a migraine and a sore throat and high fever. The flu is so agonizing and I'm sneezing like ten times at a go. And my ear is constantly blocked which means I'm partially deaf too, and when Sha-maine was talking to me this morning, I actually couldn't hear a damn thing, so I just nodded. And then she repeated her question and I realised that I actually nodded to, "What class are we supposed to be in?". Sigh. I feel like I'm dying a slow and painful death. God knows if I'll ever recover from this incessant headache and I think I forgot how life feels like without a blocked ear.

p/p/s- Can I do exceptionally well in the final exam by studying in say, seven days?

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