Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The chapter of 2008


The start of a brand new beginning.

My New Year Resolutions

1. Study hard. Make that really hard. I have to somehow or rather achieve outstanding results at college. For a start, I don't even know what the heck my course is all about. South Australian Matriculation (SAM). All I know is that I use to have a dog called Sam once.

2. Lose weight. Come the holidays and I put on lots of unwanted kilograms. I can't fit into most of my clothes now. Sigh.

3. Eat only healthy food and avoid oily stuff. Right. I started out the morning with a plate of oily mee, by the way. I can so see myself sticking to this resolution throughout the year. Oh, and I should adopt a healthier lifestyle too. Heard that Taylor's College has a gym.

4. Grow taller. The hardest of all, I would say. You can't exactly control your height like you can of your weight. But this I must do somehow. I trip and fall flat on my face with heels on. So being taller would spare me the high heels.

5. Manage my time well. Make sure I finish up assignments on time and stop slacking. Be hardworking and destroy the 'lazy bug' I had in my head throughout last year.

6. Concentrate when the lecturers teach. (Hah. No more the term 'teacher'.) Must not sleep during class like what I did throughout last year.

7. Should be a better person in all aspects. Be polite even when it comes to the snobbiest person alive. Be patient and must stop being short-tempered. In short, be the girl your parents taught you to be when you were younger.

8. Save money. I have to buy more music albums and books. The ones I already have are starting to get outdated.

9. Make lots of new friends. I can't possibly count on my cousin. (He's the only one I know that is going to be in the same class as me, by the way.)

10. Speak better English. Try to avoid using lah's or mah's when speaking. Quite hard cause I tend to say lah almost all the time. Plus, I must brush up on my vocabulary.

11. Be more confident in front of a crowd. Think before saying anything because I always get into trouble by saying something I'm not supposed to at a completely wrong time.

12. Try not to do ridiculous things that I usually do. I'm going to a new place and am meeting completely different people so I don't want to scare them away.

13. Mingle more with the opposite sex. Being in a single-sex school your whole life (except for kindergarten, which doesn't count) doesn't help, by the way.

14. Learn how to cook. I don't even know how to break an egg, let alone frying it. Or the alternative, marry a guy who cooks well so I don't have to worry about smelling like smoke for the rest of my life.

15. And of course, the most important resolution of all resolutions is to stick to the damn resolutions.

Wanted to make eight resolutions for this being the year 2008 but of course, as you can see, I got slightly too carried away.

One thing about making resolutions is that, they don't exactly happen, do they? I don't know if it's only me, but new year resolutions are never achievable and least likely to be bothered by most who failed to pursue it. A universal known fact, I tell you.

Anyway, since I already did a list, I'm going to try and make it happen.

And whether I fail or succeed, you'll only know when it's 2009. Which I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it till then.

Happy New Year to one and all. Make 2008 a memorable one.


Infectioner said...

SAM stands for Self-Abuse Matriculation haha

Nicole said...

Go girl! If it helps, which I don't think it really will, my BRATS friend who's also going Taylor's say she'll jaga jaga you. Her name's Lindley btw. SO yeah.

Anyway, take care yeah?

Jia you!