Saturday, July 19, 2008

Calculate your sex score.

My Maths lecturer reminds me of my mum's autistic student.

This man is from China and he's called Mr. Wang but we pronounce it as wear-ng just to aggravate him because he pronounces all our names with the most annoying fake-British accent, but no, he never seems irritated when you call him that which so happens to irritate you more. Get it?

Nevermind. He just infuriates me to no end.

Just imagine sitting through one hour of lecture on Maths not understanding a thing.

It doesn't stop there. He mispronounces words and his accent is a bloody annoyance.

Sigma X as siggema x.

Standard deviation as sand devation.

Z-score as sex score.

Don't laugh. He's a lecturer. Respect the poor guy.

But but but he is detrimental to the emotional state of my mind. He's he's he's driving me nuts. I'm I'm I'm turning insane.

How do you think the other students do it then?

How would I know? I just don't get what he's saying. If my TER sucks, it's him.

Oh right. Go on and blame everyone else except yourself. You're always right, aren't you?

Shut up. I'm helping myself as far as I can get. I'm trying my best. And I'm only blaming him not 'everyone else', as you put it.

Helping yourself? Look who's blogging now. You could be doing more worthwhile things, like say, study?

Pfft. Grrr. Fine. Later.



Sigh. I give up.

Basically, you've just seen a conversation between me and well, me. A lazy one and the more sensible one. Hey, I could be sensible too okay. But the lazy, procrastinator one always reigns supreme which explains why I'm not Einstein yet.

Yet? Yet? You think you'll ever be Einstein?

I thought you gave up? Here we go again.

I have better things to do than to argue with you, actually.

Hah hah. Loser.

Anyways, it's depressing. My Maths is just deteriorating like anything. Sigh.

And I'm beginning to mispronounce words too.


Oh rubbish. Don't get me started.

And another whole episode of the Tharani and well, Tharani conversation takes place again.

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