Saturday, July 26, 2008

Can you rise to the occasion?

Yesterday was that time where seventeen years ago, a woman was in a constant state of pain because of an annoyingly overactive foetus who couldn't wait to get out. Then at around 10.20 p.m of the 25th of July 1991, the baby squeezed her way out.

And the kid was to be named Tharani Naidu.

25 07 2008 Friday

Sigh. I wasn't really looking forward to this day but of course you know, once in while, you realise that it's your birthday coming and you get a teeny weeny rush of excitement? I did feel that way. And every year the monotony of the day freaks me out, this year I was hoping for something different, for it being my first college year and the first time being away from home.

You try not to think about how the day will turn out.

Focus. Focus. Focus.

Homeostatic control mechanisms are self regulating ones that involve negative feedback.

Remember. Remember. Remember.

But somehow, your mind keeps drifting away and you start thinking about your birthday.

No. No. No.

Bio test on Monday. Focus.

You fail. Your mind drifts away again and you forget about the impending bio test.

At sharp 12 a.m, Sherene wished me. Then, messages came in wishing me a great birthday and a great day ahead and a wonderful year of surprises. Sigh. The bullock this people come up with. But then again, thanks for remembering and I'm glad I was of some importance to these people.

Now, get back to studying, you tell yourself.

But, no, your mind just does not seem to work.

Why? Why?


You fight sleep in order to swallow a lymphatic system.


You fall into a deep sleep.

Like every other day, you wake up on your birthday like it's just another day.

You randomly pick your clothes and get ready for college.

Monotony. Monotony. Monotony.

You reach on time to class.

Friends wish you. Some don't.

Predictable. Very predictable. Just too predictable.

First period was english. And Sha-maine told Dr.Santa that it was my birthday. Class went on as usual and towards the end of it, Dr Santa asked the class to sing me the birthday song. Now, that was something different. Something I never thought would happen. I was really touched. She doesn't hate me that much after all.

One hour ago, you knew you were going to eat the next hour.

You walk with a bunch of classmates for brunch.

Sigh. A routine choreographed for months.

Sha-maine, Benny, Phui Yan and I went to Subway and I had the usual sandwich. I just don't know why I order the same thing everytime. Just like when I'm in Starbucks. It's always the caramel frap. Don't ask me why. And yes, so we ate and took pictures and talked about Planck's Constant and laughed and had lots of fun. And then we headed down to Starbucks where they got me a slice of chocolate banana pie. Yum. And stupid Benny forced me to eat the cake all by myself and he refused to even take a bite. (Wait, Benny, just wait, on your birthday, I'll make you swallow the sodium thiosulphate solution.)

Then the day goes by, as usual again.

Bio lesson goes on.

As usual, you don't listen to a thing.

Blah. Blah. Blah.

Another break arrives and the four of us again went up to the library to a discussion room and we about to hit the sack there when Phui Yan got a phone call. She and Sha-maine had Physics extra class and so Benny and I were left at the library. So we decided to use the computers and we played a stupid game called the mash game. You know the one where you list down your crushes and cars and places you want to go and calculate and you'll find out which one of your crushes you end up marrying, which car you drive and where you end up staying? Yes, we played the online version of it. Benny would marry Sydney girl but end up as a beggar. Sha-maine would marry pores and drive a duck shit green Ferrari. And well, I had everything good. I will marry him, have 4 kids, drive a red Ferrari, live in Rome and become a doctor. Score, birthdays do bring good luck after all.

Sigh. Classes commence again.


Physics. Followed by Chemistry and then Maths.

Blah. Blah. Blah.

You never listen, I wonder how you get away with it.

Somehow you hope there will be a surprise party planned out for you.

But what crap. Who has the time to think for someone else?

Not that you liked surprise parties in the first place.

I reached home after school. Studied bio and was glad that my birthday was just another day. I had instant noodles for dinner just like how I planned I would weeks ago. Declined invitations and was happily slurping Maggi mee.

Time flies. The day just started right?

No, you realise that it's time to go to bed already.

You curl up in bed reading Jane Eyre eating the dark chocolates he bought you while listening to Amaranth repeatedly.

Nice. Nice. Nice.

The day is going to end. Your birthday is going to end.

Sigh. The hype about birthdays.

They turn out to be nothing.

And you realise that you're seventeen.

Just like you expected you would, yesterday.

But I really did enjoy my birthday. Guys, I love the bag. It's fabulous. It's completes me, you know. And I had loads of fun, even the pre-birthday dinner at Kim Gary. Everything was wonderful. I feel like writing a speech to thank everyone for everything. Thank you. Thank you. You know I love you all. Although if the sky falls, I'd save myself first. And no, I'm not kidding.

For those of you who didn't wish me, pay back next year. And for those who have succeeded in making me happy, you can get away even with bullying me.

And wow.

I'm seventeen.

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