Monday, December 3, 2007

The Grand Opening

First post.


I've just realised that I simply cannot cramp a whole lifetime's worth of memories into this minuscule brain of mine, which is why I finally decided to create a blog.

So this blog will be like a trash can but I do not exactly intend to write too much about stuff that happens in my everyday life.

It will be more like a platform for all my rants about everything that goes around which in the end, comes around. Mostly about my random thoughts that can often make people very confused.

Like right now, as I'm writing this, there's this thought bubble up on my head reading,

Why am I writing something here when none knows that I've created a blog?

Isn't the whole point of blogging is to be read by people?

Anyway, congratulations to those of you who have somehow managed to find your way here.

It is only now that I finally discovered this entire realm of blogging and it's a wonder to think that memories do not always fade away.

Not when you have a blog.

So, kudos to whoever came up with this great discovery.

My first footstep to whole new world.

Endless passion here.

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